Nature poetry

Looking for spring

poems about spring

           Looking for spring  

All Living in the queue of awaiting spring, 

Many vision for forthcoming glad season, 

Which brings treasures of prosperous, 

No one don’t like to deprived it’s bless.


 As just, spring’s step enter on earth,

 All eyes filled with delight with it’s gift

 As various colour scatter on earth, 

 Which painted one and all life .


All tree’s leaves inaugurated to arise 

Diverse hue of flowers strew on earth 

What apt to aroma, on which butterfly 

Rush for honey that beguile it’s emerge.

poems about spring

 Greenery waves blows all around,

 What a produced dulcet euphony 

 Earth overlay by novel screen whose,

 Fountains sprinkle each living being.

poems about spring and rain

Sprout aroused anticipation for fruits, 

New born leaves & buds developed,

Go greens every branches of plants, 

Adorning the vegetate on the earth.


 Balanced month for all season, 

 No room for winter and summer ,

 Birds floating in the lap of nature,

With tune what waved in sky.


Thusly spring carries merry by recurring, 

That excitedly embracing by all to it’s turn.

poems about spring

This best nature and love book describes the justification of nature and love. so buy it just at $5.

This poem describes about the waiting for the spring season which brings delight on mother earth to the human being. So, read and enjoy it also and provide your views for spring in the comments section. 

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Justice of nature

            Justice of nature 

Winter comes , winter comes,

All living being got attention towards

The extreme winter, that obstacle for

Every work to managing to earning food.

Such living being as human, animals, birds,

Trees and herbs. Out of these human has many,

Alternative to avert such farthest winter, as

By uses quilts, blankets, wool clothes, shoes.

But poor plants, animals, birds apprehend

By the Tension of extremely winter yet, due to

No alternative avoiding such cold weather,

They all plunged in worrying that gets combat.

While they’re meditating, night had passed

Dawn break out, now all feeling to cold at

Such time, as just rays of sun fallen on them

Their eyes filled with delight, the gift of sun.

As seemed, their trouble has got far away ,

Because they conceived. The sun is only

Weapon of nature, whose rays give warmth

To them during the session of winter.

Therefore, judgement of nature would

Remain justice at anytime and anywhere

With all living being, what all is

Floating with the lap of nature.

poems about nature
Poems about nature
poems about nature
poems about nature

To know the justification of nature and love buy world is best nature digital book by reading which you will be able to know the worth of nature and love. so buy world’s best nature book just at $5.00.This poem describes about the justification of nature. What could be realized by reading this poem. So, read and enjoy it also and tell your enjoyment through your comments. 

Freedom fade away

Freedom fade away

Mostly all people have corral,
While at the grief of carona c19,
In view of go down horror crisis,
Whether carry out govt mandatory,
Freedom fade away, fade away…

Curfews no allow of freedom, 
All being while at draw away, 
Due to locked up in homes, 
All actions cool down by manual,
Freedom fade away, fade away…

However, Freedom remained for
birds at world wide hazardous
Evil, whereas no little attention 
That hold on their joyful, but being 
Freedom fade away, fade away…..

Perhaps, peoples neglect that no 
Freedom at hands of their rather,
Set for God’s willingness that look into,
That whole favours of birds, but being 
Freedom fade away, fade away…..

Since, decision making of freedom, 
Describes by the book of nature,
Whose every page inscribed words 
Concerned freedom, but covetous being, 
Freedom fade away, fade away……
poems about freedom
poems about freedom

To know the justification of Nature and injustice of love Buy this interesting book just at $5.00. On Amazon

poems about freedom
poems about freedom

This poem describes about the freedom of human being while at Covid-19. Comments on it And share it further on your what’s app link te or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest or LinkedIn.

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About nature poem

poems about nature

poems about nature

           Revenged of nature 

Who don’t cognition to mighty of god

Perhaps, no one contained in world, 

Whether atheists, however able to be

Perceived reaction of the nature.


Each country  queue of competition,

Wish to rule over each other country,

No look through the way of nature, 

People cut into the nature’s action.


Every action answer for reaction, 

Any country, any being with the 

Freedom of nature rather demolish,

As plants, animals, birds & insects.


Which all family part of the nature, 

Along with the human being cast,

Thus, we bring up by nature’s action,

No must come between nature’s rules.


Since nature equally dealing with ,

No weightage more given to anyone

Alone differences between human &

Other cast as their intelligent skills.


But humans exploiting other cast,

Based at his intelligence power,

But revenged in the hand of nature,

What silently fight off by epidemic.

About nature poem | About nature poem


4:30pm  23/03/2020 poems about nature

PG 98

poems about nature

About nature poem | poems about nature

This poem describes about the revenged of nature by way of silent. Which results show dangerously to all living being. So, read and enjoy as well as save the nature of mother earth. You can read more love poems.

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The life tree poems best 01

The life tree poems tell us about the importance of trees on mother earth. That do more for human life.
About nature poem

Services of trees without consideration

Only plants remains in service
Without consideration, otherwise
Every human being engaged in gaining
Which carry on till the consideration.
                                Probably no act done without consideration,                                                             During the living system of human being But,                                                                Poor plants or trees remain ready for
   The service of human being without consideration.
    Thus, trees are perfect source of life,
                                 Due to virtue of which life exist on earth,                                                                       Rather, they sacrifice whole life
                                   Till end, with the lap of human being.
The life tree poems
They provide essential things that are
Required during on going life of being,
As food, fuel, shade, wood, flowers, scent,
Wood brush, fresh air and medicine etc.
The life tree poems
 All these are essential needs of human,
But, all is done without consideration,
Rather, all is provided by consistently
No hope of gain is expected by them.
The life tree poems
                                 In sometime , they receive pebble &stone                                                                  With the consideration of sweet fruits,                                                                       However, they remain silent and ready,                                        For Sacrifice to such cruel human forever.
Instead of such services, cruel human
Carrying on deforestation by corresponding
Their services, but it’s imbalance judgment
What describes indignity & cruelty toward wild.
The life tree poems
                                  Perhaps we don’t know that our whole                                      Dependent on the oxygen of trees.
                                   If, we create danger for the life of trees,                                                                  At same ratio our life also falls in danger.
                                By analysing such poem human must understand,                                                The worth of tree on earth who also it’s sons and part Of                                                our family & interact with us by indirectly,                                                   Thus, should give balance judgment to corresponding their services.
About nature poem
About nature poem | About nature poem
This little poem describes about the service of trees without consideration. Because trees always provide services without consideration whereas human being ask consideration at anytime and anywhere and always. 
Note:-  This poem has been published in America and earn extremely glory.
About nature poem | About nature poem
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as “justification of nature and injustice of love. 

So, Buy this book just at $5.00.


Haiku poems about nature in English 007 best poem

Haiku poems about nature in English

About nature poem

About nature poem
Read more nature poems.

      Puzzle of weaver bird in duckweed

There was too hot summer,
Whether the time of twilight,
Poet wandering while the time,
On the bank of dry canal
Read more love poems in English
    And watched full of duckweed,
    That much thickly and heightens,
   Rather,  it realized hottest all around,
   The environment of such herbs.
Haiku poems about nature in English |
A poor weaver bird had puzzle,
Not little conscious at just while,
As unfixed his moving position,
up & down, one branch to another.
Haiku poems about nature in English
   Poet also unable to considered,
   It’s puzzle, seemed as no answer,
  Anyhow, by deep watching & hunt out,
  A puzzle likely due to scorching day.
8:32pm     22/06/2017 About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem

About nature poem | About nature poem

This little poem describes about the weaver bird’s position and moving what is influenced by the hot scorching day on the bank of dry canal in duckweed. About nature poem

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as ” justification of nature and injustice of love.

So, Buy this digital book just at $5.00.

Haiku poems about nature best 19

About nature poem
About nature poem

Haiku poems about nature

Book worms has no care for weather

There was a pleasant climate,

 Black cloud floating in firmament,

Nominal drizzling through which,

However, tone able to listening.
Read more nature poetry 

A lecturer inserted into +2 class,

With the hope of enjoy weather,

so as To not delivered lecture about study,

Rather, carrying beat about bush,

Haiku poems about nature |

About nature poem |
But sir, As just entered the class,

All expectations shattered promptly,

While one student ask problem akin to Study after another,

consistently it is on,
About nature poem | About nature poem |

All this contrary with the visit on bysir,

some ask about paper & someRegarding numerical accounting ?

Thus, Cleared up all problems by sir.
Haiku poems about nature

However, ray of hope existed tillThe last minute of period,

That anyOne may start the topic of weather,

But no one student commenced it.
About nature poem | About nature poem |

Rather, All students ‘re absorbed inGrasp the clearty of numerical sum,

Thus, period consuming and carry on,

Students & drizzling corresponding it.

Haiku poems about nature
All is happening under black clouds,Due to which,

Rather mostly invisible,As sir leaved the class,

he concludedBook worm no care for pleasure weather. 

|Whereas, everyday minor test would be takenSo,

one day might be devoted to climate,

That was not done by book worms,

perhaps They’re turned into habitual as book worms.
10:05 am  15/12/2019Pg 86   series no 294

About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem

About nature poem | About nature poem |  This poem describes about the book worms. Who are most interesting in studying whereas not interested around themselves. But enjoy environment is rare opportunity on mother earth. Which is provided by off and on through nature. So, such opportunity must be enjoyed by considering bless of mother earth.

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as” justice of nature and injustice of love. 
So, Buy this world class digital book just at $5.00.