Justice of nature
Winter comes , winter comes,
All living being got attention towards
The extreme winter, that obstacle for
Every work to managing to earning food.
Such living being as human, animals, birds,
Trees and herbs. Out of these human has many,
Alternative to avert such farthest winter, as
By uses quilts, blankets, wool clothes, shoes.
But poor plants, animals, birds apprehend
By the Tension of extremely winter yet, due to
No alternative avoiding such cold weather,
They all plunged in worrying that gets combat.
While they’re meditating, night had passed
Dawn break out, now all feeling to cold at
Such time, as just rays of sun fallen on them
Their eyes filled with delight, the gift of sun.
As seemed, their trouble has got far away ,
Because they conceived. The sun is only
Weapon of nature, whose rays give warmth
To them during the session of winter.
Therefore, judgement of nature would
Remain justice at anytime and anywhere
With all living being, what all is
Floating with the lap of nature.

poems about nature
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