Console of flower tree

Console of flower tree

As just little pink rose blossom,
Call in me by flower tree waving,

As his thorn hang on my shirt,
And disclose me offer to first rose,

For purpose of provide to my beloved,
This consideration for his look after,

What started it’s childhood age,
As I silent long time with eyes drops,

Through my silent it look through,
That, I have no girl friend still,

Thusly, my love problems it make of,
Leave my shirt, from his thorn,

And console me with suggestions,
To find true love as clear & clean heart

Girl, who complementary for your life,
Then, I would give you many red & Pink rose,

What tied up your true love life,
Whose scents you realised love perfection.
11:15am 31/05/2020

world class nature and love realizing book as poems about flowers
justification of nature and injustice of love.

This poem describe a poet vacant paper love story. Which bound to ignorance all way for poet to love. However by fortunate he knew the nature justification by his actions on mother earth. Which is carry on for consideration. Read & enjoy .


So, Buy this book just at $5.00.

poems about flowers

Out of love book best 1

  Out of love book


Justice of nature and injustice of love

Read more Example poetry


Justice of nature and injustice of love

Mostly,  all people enjoy to reading poetry because it’s takes too short time for reading with its mystery it gets stunning. Which is a reason that every people would like to not put down poetry book until the finished.
This book’s title describes itself as nature and love. What talks 
about justice of nature as well as injustice of love. So, this book 
contained 55 poems what all poems have shade fallen on every 
subject of nature and love. Whether this book includes nature and 
love by mix up. Where one side nature describes it’s justice about 
every living being on the mother earth. Whereas, other side is
injustice describes about one side love About poet. What tells 
about poet’s beloved response against his response. However, 
particularly 11 poems by continuously describes injustice of love 
as from 41 to 51 poems.
Author is website      “OUT OF LOVE BOOK” 
ABOUT AUTHOR  :-      Enjoy Out of love book 
                                                                     He is an English poet, writer, yoga 
teacher with physically and psychology and assistant professor in commerce subject. He has written so many poems in English. Out of these collection poems 55 have been published in this book. Whereas this book poems containing every scope of each subject concerned as love and nature poetry. However, due to virtue of these poems few poems have been published in America as ‘ Justice of nature”, services of trees without consideration’ as well as published in Asia. One book has also written by this writer as title ‘ old is gold , based on the old parents about Europe and South India. He is also perfect yoga teacher with physically and psychology regarding. He is also a assistant professor as commerce. He has also claimed three-times UGC NET in commerce subject. He also a member of the ‘ Maa vaishno youth club , as chairperson. Which club works for social welfare. This is a first book published by him. Which book he would like to devote his father. As due to his father virtue this book has been published. This book reflection the nature and love by thoroughly 
So, every interested reader can buy this book on the Amazon, shopclue, flipcart and with BLUE ROSE PUBLISHER who publisher this book. WHO poems lover of US & EUROPEAN person’s willing to purchase this book’s hard copy can contact on   out of love book
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Muse of love poetry best 11


Muse of love poetry describes about the weightge of love.

         Weightage of love

A poor lover has melancholy,
On declared result of his failure,
By UGC net exam’s message,
Strained floating in heart & brain.
Muse of love poetry
No thing is being considered at just,
Only remorse is being contemplated,
Whereas seemed nothing is left,
 To life’s aspiration for outlook,
Muse of love poetry
As he drowned by anxiety,
What’s blocked every way of
Life, No one road is left to aim,
That might inclined toward life.
        Despite it, A coincidence of life
        That never conceived at life,
        What capable to lead a life,
        Contained ray of hope to life.
While thought of ocean stir,
A little message touched to him.
What brings cheer up for life,
Creation there fantastic tone.
Muse of love poetry
       Such notice in awaiting for ages,
       That approached over the affliction,
       What adept to vanish all distress,
       Rather create cheer waives in mind.
By fortuitous, A scent scattered,
Since, message come of beloved,
That inclined to success of love,
As fulfilled his deprived love life,
Read more love poems 
       This little message turn up at night,
       On mingle happy New year 2020,
       Love success has more weightage,
       Over the failure of his life careers.
11:15pm    01/01/2020
To know the justification of nature and love Buy this digital this book just at $5.00.

Poems about love for him |
This little poem describes about the love weightage that how much stress & tensions floating on the brain of lover with the failure result of UGC. But he fallen into excitement by justly phone call from beloved,  with corresponding far away stressing and tension whatever lover’s aspiration towards his love from since many years ago. What all reflecting now after much time passed.

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The life tree poems best 01

The life tree poems tell us about the importance of trees on mother earth. That do more for human life.
Only plants remains in service
Without consideration, otherwise
Every human being engaged in gaining
Which carry on till the consideration.
                                Probably no act done without consideration,                                                             During the living system of human being But,                                                                Poor plants or trees remain ready for
   The service of human being without consideration.
    Thus, trees are perfect source of life,
                                 Due to virtue of which life exist on earth,                                                                       Rather, they sacrifice whole life
                                   Till end, with the lap of human being.
The life tree poems
They provide essential things that are
Required during on going life of being,
As food, fuel, shade, wood, flowers, scent,
Wood brush, fresh air and medicine etc.
The life tree poems
 All these are essential needs of human,
But, all is done without consideration,
Rather, all is provided by consistently
No hope of gain is expected by them.
The life tree poems
                                 In sometime , they receive pebble &stone                                                                  With the consideration of sweet fruits,                                                                       However, they remain silent and ready,                                        For Sacrifice to such cruel human forever.
Instead of such services, cruel human
Carrying on deforestation by corresponding
Their services, but it’s imbalance judgment
What describes indignity & cruelty toward wild.
The life tree poems
                                  Perhaps we don’t know that our whole                                      Dependent on the oxygen of trees.
                                   If, we create danger for the life of trees,                                                                  At same ratio our life also falls in danger.
                                By analysing such poem human must understand,                                                The worth of tree on earth who also it’s sons and part Of                                                our family & interact with us by indirectly,                                                   Thus, should give balance judgment to corresponding their services.
About nature poem
About nature poem | About nature poem
This little poem describes about the service of trees without consideration. Because trees always provide services without consideration whereas human being ask consideration at anytime and anywhere and always. 
Note:-  This poem has been published in America and earn extremely glory.
About nature poem | About nature poem
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as “justification of nature and injustice of love. 

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A sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike Outstanding energy 1

sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike

sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
Shive image

A  tremendous  glory 

It’s the pleasance dawn breaking,
my sight fall on a snowpack mountain,
Where I seen a stunning soul as a fantastic,
Who in the devotion position
Whose body too large as well as glittering,
Rather, I watched many torrents from that mountain,
I gazed on, by tireless attempts,
Through my twinkling eyes, what not filling out,
sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
However, I am feeling for myself as prosperous,
By paying many exertions, I found a Himalaya,
Then, I am bound to think to whom camped,
Through thinking explore me belong to Lord hive,
Through his lock fountains auspicious water,
That provides me humbleness by continuously,
Whether, I am poet virtue of Lord Shiva,
However, I am unable to admiring of Lord shive,
Whether, I am writer by luck,
However, my pen unable to take down glory of shive,
Whether, I am literate by knowledge,
However, my toung unable to produce prestige of shive,
sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
Alone such auspicious soul feel for by paying devotion,
What’s make by honestly, humbly, sans regards services,
Rather need, de bon ne grace by absorbed in devotion.
Fr (French word)
De bon ne grace (by willingness with good nature)
sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
4:25  PM, /07/06/2020

sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
Shive images

sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
Shive images
This poem describes about the Lord shiv’s  tremendous amount of glory what lies on the great Himalaya in Manimahes kailash. What great mountain describe itself fantastic spiritual power.  sarv mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
Note:- This website sells unique and beautiful poems as per the requirements of customers. Any visitor who need poems for whatever purpose can concern with admin of website by feel free at anytime on But due to unique quality of poetry minimum charges amount as $ 70 per poem. However according to length and immediately offer may be higher charges.
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as ” justification of nature and injustice of love”.

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Corona refresca essential power +13

                      Call down 

Please call down, call down,
It’s time to bowed ahead nature,
Seemed such crisis of carona as,
Antipathy b/w human and nature,
Please call down, call down……..
  Corona refresca
All world being captured by disaster,
Firstly human come upon nature,
Now time came for the human being
As retaliate in order to their results,
Please call down, call down……….
In meritocracy answers for fatal,
Rather come between xenophobia,
Autophoby, ecophobia & zoophobia
No people clear off nature’s go over,
Please call down, call down…….
Corona refresca
Perhaps, no one deprived potency’s
Cognition of nature, Please all world
Must bowed virtue of  nature with the
aim of take away blanket of disaster,
Please call down, call down………
3:50pm  27/03/2020
PG 95
Corona refresca
This poem has been written for prayer to the nature. So as to not to be spread it’s disaster. Because everyone is influenced by it’s waving. Read it And pray to nature for lifting such crisis ailment.

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world class nature and love realizing book as

as ” justification of nature and injustice of love.


So, Buy this world class book just at $5.00.

Haiku poems about nature in English 007 best poem

Haiku poems about nature in English

About nature poem

About nature poem
Read more nature poems.

      Puzzle of weaver bird in duckweed

There was too hot summer,
Whether the time of twilight,
Poet wandering while the time,
On the bank of dry canal
Read more love poems in English
    And watched full of duckweed,
    That much thickly and heightens,
   Rather,  it realized hottest all around,
   The environment of such herbs.
Haiku poems about nature in English |
A poor weaver bird had puzzle,
Not little conscious at just while,
As unfixed his moving position,
up & down, one branch to another.
Haiku poems about nature in English
   Poet also unable to considered,
   It’s puzzle, seemed as no answer,
  Anyhow, by deep watching & hunt out,
  A puzzle likely due to scorching day.
8:32pm     22/06/2017 About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem

About nature poem | About nature poem

This little poem describes about the weaver bird’s position and moving what is influenced by the hot scorching day on the bank of dry canal in duckweed. About nature poem

For world class poetry editing services must be visit on for availing best poetry editing service.

world class nature and love realizing book as About nature poem 

as ” justification of nature and injustice of love.

So, Buy this digital book just at $5.00.