A one side lover ill at ease for philophobia,
Due to his nature care about towards his beloved,
As beloved never considerate his true love,
But, whole day care about his beloved memory,
Mostly, he feels for her what’s app all day,
When, he found crop up herself, hearts his heart,
But, No one answer he would receive from her,
Tensions of love compunction on his heart always,
What follow out his mind day and night,
Like termite, tension eat into his Body,
Now, seemed his whole body get down by love,
One day lie over only soul by his beloved memory.
But, is there any solution for his dying life,
Perhaps, pass for by beloved avoid his crisis,
So, Please all people are called in to convey,
His true love at the destination of beloved,
What could save his health and wealth,
Please…. do & follow for welfare a philophobia lover.
Bear out like altruist to carry off a philophobia.
12:40pm 31/05/2020 poems about love
Poems about love for him |
This little poem spread it’s light on the brain of lover who absorbed in his beloved love. But beloved has no care for his love. Wheather, his beloved floating on her what’s app but no expectations answers are given. However, Rather he in queue for awaiting her still.
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