Nature poetry

The oak tree poem of the best 1

This the oak tree poem tells us about the sorrow of tree which they have to face in the winter season. But by reading such poem we can understand the value of tree in the winter season.

The Tree Spoke

What then if winter came,

What then if my shade became chilly,

What then if my worth aren’t now,

but remain,No one’ll like to sit under my fallen branches.

However my existence might be felt,

When you walk on the road of breath,

you can’t never stop your journey,When you stop,

your whole life will end.

The oak tree poem

Alone winter season will never immortal,

Many other seasons have been sheltered,

With the lap of nature in her bosom also,

As much as nature leaves by turn.

But desires of breathing would remain,

With equally ratio throughout the all seasons,

Always on the threshold of your life,

Who outlive with the swaying of my leaves,

Granted you love the warmth of the sun now,

But you’d rather enjoy shade in the summer,

Cool air of mine will rescue,

you from summer rays,

The value will never be ended,

If anyone outline from the lifeway,

Let me live a long life,

If you have desire too. keep on staying.

Read such nature other poems

Thus, kindly accept my invoke,

And put down your axe,

let me live a happily forever,

So as to keep your life blissful.

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Please share this poem among you’re friends so as to spread the knowledge of silence tree on which cruel human being doing sin.

Night of Squirrel’s Family

  Night of squirrel’s family

A poor squirrel goes to daily for earning food,

It goes to various village for searching food,

One day gone away from his nest,

Night has captured him at midway,

It’s family in awaiting for his visit,

As his wife and children in worry,

It think about shelter at any place,

Where night pass by it,

Nature poems haiku Nature poems haiku |

After many exertions little sheesham,

Offer him for shelter to stay,

Other side his children in

Worried, due to non visit,

Night being passed gradually,

All in worry, whether at various places,

His family call down for his security ,

As dawn break, squirrel wake up,

As aroused ray of sunshine,

Nature poems haiku Nature poems haiku |

Pay thanks to sheesham for shelter,

Get off his journey again,

After some hour it come up to,

It’s nest, As his family eyes

Fallen on him, they delighted

By his come over whether they are

Starved, however hunger of them,

Satisfied with meeting him alive,

Because, their negativity far away

By lay before his perfection visit,

They all hug with collectively by relish,

Rather, lay down his vow as lie for no go far,

Thusly, it describes about sense of love,  

Among family of animals and birds
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Nature Poems

About nature poem

poems about nature

poems about nature

           Revenged of nature 

Who don’t cognition to mighty of god

Perhaps, no one contained in world, 

Whether atheists, however able to be

Perceived reaction of the nature.


Each country  queue of competition,

Wish to rule over each other country,

No look through the way of nature, 

People cut into the nature’s action.


Every action answer for reaction, 

Any country, any being with the 

Freedom of nature rather demolish,

As plants, animals, birds & insects.


Which all family part of the nature, 

Along with the human being cast,

Thus, we bring up by nature’s action,

No must come between nature’s rules.


Since nature equally dealing with ,

No weightage more given to anyone

Alone differences between human &

Other cast as their intelligent skills.


But humans exploiting other cast,

Based at his intelligence power,

But revenged in the hand of nature,

What silently fight off by epidemic.

About nature poem | About nature poem


4:30pm  23/03/2020 poems about nature

PG 98

poems about nature

About nature poem | poems about nature

This poem describes about the revenged of nature by way of silent. Which results show dangerously to all living being. So, read and enjoy as well as save the nature of mother earth. You can read more love poems.

Anyone reader can study through online material concerned with commerce.

Haiku poems about nature best 19

About nature poem
About nature poem

Haiku poems about nature

Book worms has no care for weather

There was a pleasant climate,

 Black cloud floating in firmament,

Nominal drizzling through which,

However, tone able to listening.
Read more nature poetry 

A lecturer inserted into +2 class,

With the hope of enjoy weather,

so as To not delivered lecture about study,

Rather, carrying beat about bush,

Haiku poems about nature |

About nature poem |
But sir, As just entered the class,

All expectations shattered promptly,

While one student ask problem akin to Study after another,

consistently it is on,
About nature poem | About nature poem |

All this contrary with the visit on bysir,

some ask about paper & someRegarding numerical accounting ?

Thus, Cleared up all problems by sir.
Haiku poems about nature

However, ray of hope existed tillThe last minute of period,

That anyOne may start the topic of weather,

But no one student commenced it.
About nature poem | About nature poem |

Rather, All students ‘re absorbed inGrasp the clearty of numerical sum,

Thus, period consuming and carry on,

Students & drizzling corresponding it.

Haiku poems about nature
All is happening under black clouds,Due to which,

Rather mostly invisible,As sir leaved the class,

he concludedBook worm no care for pleasure weather. 

|Whereas, everyday minor test would be takenSo,

one day might be devoted to climate,

That was not done by book worms,

perhaps They’re turned into habitual as book worms.
10:05 am  15/12/2019Pg 86   series no 294

About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem

About nature poem | About nature poem |  This poem describes about the book worms. Who are most interesting in studying whereas not interested around themselves. But enjoy environment is rare opportunity on mother earth. Which is provided by off and on through nature. So, such opportunity must be enjoyed by considering bless of mother earth.

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