Nature poetry

My cat 🐈 Way

             My cat 🐈 Way

Hey my cat, hey my cat,
Do my follow, do my follow,
Jumping up, dumping hush,
Run on way, go on way,
Haste makes, but no waste,
Get on laughing, Stay tuned,
Never play on fool or mule,
Make friends, but no taste,
Met to people, but no reckon,
Keep on kinder, but no hinder,
Stay on head, mouth shed,
Happy, merry, carry on life.
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poems about cats
poems about cats

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poems about cats

Night of Squirrel’s Family

  Night of squirrel’s family

A poor squirrel goes to daily for earning food,

It goes to various village for searching food,

One day gone away from his nest,

Night has captured him at midway,

It’s family in awaiting for his visit,

As his wife and children in worry,

It think about shelter at any place,

Where night pass by it,

Nature poems haiku Nature poems haiku |

After many exertions little sheesham,

Offer him for shelter to stay,

Other side his children in

Worried, due to non visit,

Night being passed gradually,

All in worry, whether at various places,

His family call down for his security ,

As dawn break, squirrel wake up,

As aroused ray of sunshine,

Nature poems haiku Nature poems haiku |

Pay thanks to sheesham for shelter,

Get off his journey again,

After some hour it come up to,

It’s nest, As his family eyes

Fallen on him, they delighted

By his come over whether they are

Starved, however hunger of them,

Satisfied with meeting him alive,

Because, their negativity far away

By lay before his perfection visit,

They all hug with collectively by relish,

Rather, lay down his vow as lie for no go far,

Thusly, it describes about sense of love,  

Among family of animals and birds
Read More Nature Poems

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Nature Poems

A Friend of tree |

A Friend of tree

sd There was a boy who juvenile,

Who yowling from his adversity,

Under the big mango tree,

Reason asked for sobbing by it.

While, articulate the tone of tree,

At promptly he got been silent,

Rather respond by whispering,

as Go on to study but unable to access.

As to his parents too poor & Labours,

Incompetent to buy books &paid fees,

Thus, he assuaged by tree as help out,

And assured him for conferred study.

I would grant wood and mangoes,

What’s bestowed for gain capital,

Fund would spend on your study,

Which competent to carrying on.

By virtue of tree conferred graduation,

What’s made him capable to gained job,

After the job, forgotten the virtue of tree,

Who hear out in adversity as a true friend.

Now He, became rich and known,

No little vex for pay off debt of tree,

Who devoted his whole life to him.

Whereas he got married, yet No heed.

Now, such student became old with

The corresponding ratio of tree’s age,

Once bear in mind that recognise virtue Of old tree,

what turned his life pleasance.

Nothing was left to grant with poor old tree,

Who stand by its dry branches &baldness,

Pass sweet smiling and nod for nothing,

Rather murmuring, I am helpless at now,

At appeared words, he crying like debut,

Because nothing done in regarding virtue of tree,

Now, nothing he had left to provide by oldest,

Not hold with tree by him while the youngest age.

Read More Tree poems

10:pm 26/12/2019

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Sparrows poem
sparrows poem

Baffled Sparrow

A torrid day,

A sparrow deviant from her herd,

Too long away her nest,

Waves of hotter baffled all,

A poor sparrow lost her conscious,

Unable to flying up into sky,

Sweat drops falling on,

Day passing by hardly,

No little attention came to her,

While she ponder to her home approach,

A black clouds came with storm wind,

Which carry on faster on road of sky,

A poor sparrow attempted to diver into storm,

As just by divered, begun to push her by wind,

On the sky road she travelling without ticket,

Within few minutes a poor sparrow approach her nest,

She pay thanks a lot for storm’s services without consideration.

12:40pm 01/06/2020

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Jewel of courtyard

leaf poem
leaf poem

Jewel Of Courtyard

Courtyard remain arrayed
By arid leaves,

visitant despising it by

Who call at and call out as

Aside from owner of courtyard

Who care for this rubbish from
The heart,

Never bring down his interest
Against trees,

That answer for trash leaves

Rather ready for cleanup by
Carry on,

No tension inclined to cleaning

Perhaps sightseer don’t have meant
For trees services,

Whereas owners interpret the service of trees as Without consideration,

Like on busy with the gifts of nature
As trees.

Sometimes hustle and bustle feel free on this ground.

Rather no other thing found on this

Except dried yellow leaves friction

Seemed as arrayed of the courtyard
Like the jewellery.

4:50pm 07/04/2020

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Rose garden of heart

poems about the garden
poems about the garden

  1.   Rose garden of heart

Rose garden of heart
My eyes on feelings,
My heart is sniffing,
My waiting finished,

While rose day came,
Rose plants grown,
On the heart ranch,
What I would like to,

Cultivate on this day.
My eyes is looking on,
Many couples with rose,
Who lovers symbolises,

What a love invitation.
But no one beloved,
Would reach out on,
Garden of my heart,

To jump at red roses.
So, garden of red rose,
Would remain uncouth,
To cultivate such roses,

Put by the next rose day,
The owner of rose garden,
Never avoid such farming,
Wait upon black eyes way,

Who could walk off with.
Hope of ray, never pass
On and welcome to dawn,
Surviving the fading rose,

🌴 poems about the garden
Scents always, asks for her.
But nature, never allow,
To be immortal anything,
Waiting soul must set forth,
Her love before fading rose.

11.37pm November ( 12/11/2021 )

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Fall day

poems about fall
poems about fall

Fall day

A day shade marking of night,
Dazzle two Sukhchains densely,
I asleep under their dark shade,
Curbed turn down rays of moon,

Alone darkest night floating on,
A breezing air blundering justly,
existing night oblivious at whole,
Apparently like an ecophobia.
Night compass by gradually,
Now, time attained at dawn,
Sun facile for in timely duty,
As in motion like the diurnal,
Sunlit kick-off journey to earth,
What all the souls warmth initial,
Sunlit of Rays was penetrated,
Inward the branches of trees,

poems about fall

poems about fall
poems about fall


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