The life tree poemsTrees

The life tree poems tell us about the importance of trees on mother earth. That do more for human life.
Only plants remains in service
Without consideration, otherwise
Every human being engaged in gaining
Which carry on till the consideration.
                                Probably no act done without consideration,                                                             During the living system of human being But,                                                                Poor plants or trees remain ready for
   The service of human being without consideration.
    Thus, trees are perfect source of life,
                                 Due to virtue of which life exist on earth,                                                                       Rather, they sacrifice whole life
                                   Till end, with the lap of human being.
The life tree poems
They provide essential things that are
Required during on going life of being,
As food, fuel, shade, wood, flowers, scent,
Wood brush, fresh air and medicine etc.
The life tree poems
 All these are essential needs of human,
But, all is done without consideration,
Rather, all is provided by consistently
No hope of gain is expected by them.
The life tree poems
                                 In sometime , they receive pebble &stone                                                                  With the consideration of sweet fruits,                                                                       However, they remain silent and ready,                                        For Sacrifice to such cruel human forever.
Instead of such services, cruel human
Carrying on deforestation by corresponding
Their services, but it’s imbalance judgment
What describes indignity & cruelty toward wild.
The life tree poems
                                  Perhaps we don’t know that our whole                                      Dependent on the oxygen of trees.
                                   If, we create danger for the life of trees,                                                                  At same ratio our life also falls in danger.
                                By analysing such poem human must understand,                                                The worth of tree on earth who also it’s sons and part Of                                                our family & interact with us by indirectly,                                                   Thus, should give balance judgment to corresponding their services.
About nature poem
About nature poem | About nature poem
This little poem describes about the service of trees without consideration. Because trees always provide services without consideration whereas human being ask consideration at anytime and anywhere and always. 
Note:-  This poem has been published in America and earn extremely glory.
About nature poem | About nature poem
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