Life Meaning Poetry

poems about life

poems about life
poems about life

Futile lives

Where did your friends go,

that looking for the common ones,

Found sitting together,

but the field is empty,

Their bodies are bare

and their hands are empty,

No one here belongs to anyone,

All are living for themselves,

own sorrow knows own heart,

No one on the way of others heart

to see any distress,

The pain given by our mother went in vain, whoever was born died,

without good deeds he was destroyed.

We only learned bad things in life,

but we don’t earn good deeds and faith,

The bad fruit of bad deeds,  but good action would push us before successful way,

Let’s all take vows together

and do good deeds,

Let’s create a good society that will give us a outstanding success in the future,

This poem describes a dead person who didn’t do anything for their society. But the last lines give us inspiration for survivor people to do good for our society,  so as to feel a better future.

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poems about life

Does poetry represent real life?

Does poetry represent real life?

Does poetry represent real life?

Every person would like to represent his feelings and opinions. Whether it may be in the form of writing or oral. But every feelings and opinions have some influence power. So, such writing form may be in story or poetry.

However, mostly poet would represent their own life experiences Whether these experiences or opinions may be concerned with the past, present and future.

Does poetry represent real life?
So, such feelings contained thought that represent happiness, sorrow, fear, peace and mercy. Thus, all these thoughts may be concerned with real life as well as imagination of the author.

However, mostly poet represent their feelings whether it may be in the form of love poetry, sorrow poetry and quotes of life. There are some important things which we need to recognize about the poet’s representation in the poetry. These are following. 

Does poetry represent real life?

Does poetry represent real life?
1. All poet are nature lover. Who represent nature content. 
2. All poet has true love  towards their beloved. 
3. Mostly poet has one side lover. However they pursue her beloved. 
4. All poet are an owner of kindness towards all kinds of living beings. 
5. Poet mostly represent their experience content in writing poetry. 
6. All poet is found of reading love books and poetry. 
7. Poet always engaged with their deep thoughts.

Does poetry represent real life?
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Does poetry represent real life?


inspirational poems
inspirational poems


What is life?
Do you know?
Please anyone tell it,
Perhaps no one having answer.

   To answer I have to go about,
   Checked taste at different places, 
   No satisfying answer bring out,
   Mostly voice crop up, 

Many cry up 
However, I feel for answers,
And follow out,
No one explain away, 

Then get on my way,
And look over at the true answer,
By coincidence one saint at way of mine,
While I knock about door to door.

Who insisted on answer of life,
And launch out answer, 
What is life ? 
And look through answer, 

   Life broken into three share, 
   Past,  What like a “waste paper“
   Present, What like a “newspaper“
 Future, What like a “question paper“

So, read and write carefully,
Life will be like a tissue paper, 
And hunt down the question of life. 

inspirational poems
inspirational poems

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This little poem describes about the life of human being which carries on through this circle. Show comments on it. Read and enjoy it.

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