poems about life

Futile lives
Where did your friends go,
that looking for the common ones,
Found sitting together,
but the field is empty,
Their bodies are bare
and their hands are empty,
No one here belongs to anyone,
All are living for themselves,
own sorrow knows own heart,
No one on the way of others heart
to see any distress,
The pain given by our mother went in vain, whoever was born died,
without good deeds he was destroyed.
We only learned bad things in life,
but we don’t earn good deeds and faith,
The bad fruit of bad deeds, but good action would push us before successful way,
Let’s all take vows together
and do good deeds,
Let’s create a good society that will give us a outstanding success in the future,
This poem describes a dead person who didn’t do anything for their society. But the last lines give us inspiration for survivor people to do good for our society, so as to feel a better future.
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