How to become a poet?

how to write poems about love

how to write poems about love

Before the written love poem first we must know the meaning of love. Love is that seed which rises on the court of heart. Although its sow sprinkle is given by the eyes.

Thus, after the growth of this sow, waves of love feelings started to rise. Then such feelings are difficult to stop. And divulge before the people without control. Such feelings get the emotions of others. Which emotions and feelings may be formed into the poetry. There are five methods through which we can try to write poetry. Thus, how to write poems about love.

  1. By reading love poetry
  2. By falls in love
  3. By listening to others love.
  4. By seeing movie
  5. By attending literature seminar

1.By reading love poetry:- Anyone who would like to write love poetry. Then he/she is required to read love poetry. By reading love poetry feelings and emotions of love will be created in his mind. Then such emotions and feelings may be formed into the written form. Then all readers of love poetry can learn how to write poems about love. Love thoughts and quotes will also be helpful in the way of love poetry work. These thoughts and quotes are available on social media. Which can be understood for the purpose of creating love emotions and feelings. Then which can be used in the form of love poetry.

2. By falling in love:- Most poets write love poetry through his real feelings and emotions. Which are happening in their real life. When they fall in love, sometimes they are unable to express their true love before his/her lover and beloved. They try to write their feelings and emotions in the form of written. When they begin to write their feelings about love in a normal way. Gradually after some time their written work in the form of love literature became the form of poetry. So they became poets who fell in love to express themselves in the written form known as poetry.

3. By listening to others’ love:- When we listen to the love story from other lovers we can also represent this story in the written form. Whether or not it debuted would not be good. But after getting some experience with written work we can write better. Which work may be expressed in the form of poetry. As after listening to a love story our mind will be set automatically towards love emotions. Which feelings might become the poetry through the written work. So this method will be helpful when we listen to the stories of others in the form of love.

4. By seeing Movies:- After seeing a love movie our brain fills with such potential love feelings. What we saw in the movie. After considering the whole story we can understand the concept of a love movie. Which concept can be used in the form of written work? Which can be formed into the poetry form. So movies also influence our mind. Which can’t be free immediately after the movie.

However, it will take three, four days to forget this whole concept of love. Such concepts can be used in the form of poetry. Which is a simple method of written work. Because our mind doesn’t need to think deeply. Just ready-made concepts can be written in the form of poetry.  how to write poems about love

5. By attending love seminars and play:- People who attend the seminar and play which divulge love literature, these can be also helpful in the way of written work. Which work can be made with poetry literature. This method provides us with a ready-made concept of love. Which concept can be used in the form of poetry? So anyone who would like to write about love. They can attend the seminar on love. Which provides a broad sense of mind. Which is an easy method of love literature. how to write poems about love

There are some other points which need to be considered along the way, such as how to write poems about love.

  1. After creating a poem you can share these poems to your friends for the purpose of feedback. Because every written work requires feedback.
  2. After the written poem you are required to review and edit your poetry. Which can be made by yourself or by an experienced poet.
  3. You need to learn more deep vocabulary. Which can be used in the way of poetry work. Every poem asks for appropriate vocabulary.
  4. Continue :- You are required to continue your written work of poetry. Which provides you quality to your poetry work.
  5. Love cordial relations are required if you’re a poet. Which will be positive in the way of your success.

Thus, by applying these methods you can write love poems. Now we hope you have understood how to write poems about love. Give your suggestion to others poets by your comments for others readers.

You can read more love poetry. As per you’re choice. how to write poems about love

If you’re commerce students you can following this website. how to write poems about love

How to become a poet?

How to become a poet?

All poets depend upon their thinking power. Which is able to be expressed in writing language. Some people think about the qualification that they considered essential to become a poet. But according to our long deep research upon the many writers which reached us on the conclusion. Which is concerning the poet’s qualification. However, as per our research we have collected some following questions for the answer of HOW TO BECOME A POET ?

What must be a qualification level to become a poet?
We would like to keep away the delusion of all readers who have an intense desire to become a poet into their life. No need for any particular qualification for the purpose of becoming a poet. Every poet has just required deep thinking. Which would be helpful to become a poet. As we know that our qualification certificate only contains receipts of our study expenses. Which never expressed our thinking power. So we must not be considered only a measured weapon of any personal quality.

As we all understand our famous scholars like “Thomas adison, “Socrates,. Whose thought and experiment can be considered across the world level. These Booth personalities are deprived from the school higher education in their life.However we can measure anyone based on his thinking power which can be found in their thoughts and writings, so not based on qualification. So, no need here for any qualification to fulfill your life dream to become a poet.

After the qualification, the next question moves us on the thinking power. This is the following question.

How can we create deep thinking?
This thinking can be gotten from our all around matters. Many incidents or mishapning are happening around us. Which teaches us many things whether it be positive or negative. So, many matters are floating on our minds. Whose influence is able to express itself through the life of a person. However, some people can learn more from books. Which has the most influential power to mould our mind. Our next question goes on the basic or mother language. In which we are able to Read and write.

Every person must have some basic knowledge of his mother language ?
No person can speak, write, or read without his basic knowledge of his mother language. So all is required to learn about the basic knowledge of his mother language. Our mother’s knowledge is the medium through which we transact our feelings and thoughts.

However, this knowledge is not needed to go to school. This can be learned only in our childhood from our mother. Every writer can put down his thoughts in his mother language which doesn’t need to learn. However, if anyone writes in another language except his mother, he/she is required to learn from any source.
Read More about poems
Every person who has the desire to become a poet must read many poems in his mother language.
By our analysis we can conclude that every person who reads books has more vast thought or thinking powers as compared to others who don’t read books. Thus, it will be easy to become a writer who reads more books. Because every book moulds his thoughts as per books direction.

However, if he/she doesn’t want to read books or written literature, they have one more option to go for writing poetry. They have the option to listen to others ‘ thoughts. Which may be converted in the writing form. So, don’t forget to read books, other written literature and listen to others carefully. Don’t neglect others’ thoughts who can be helpful to you.

Need to begin writing poetry. But when?
There is no particular time on which you can start your writing. Whenever you are able to understand or think, you may start your writing. Now one question in your mind concerned with the grammar errors in your writing. But here we would like to suggest that you just need to start your writing. Don’t be afraid of your grammar errors. We know that there may be errors in your writing in the beginning mode. But don’t lose your heart.

When your writing becomes habitual in your writing way. Which way will you lead to improve gradually. After that you will be able to improve your writing. So, by keeping away all things in one side. You are required to start your writing. Keep a separate one diary if you put down your thoughts in the poetry form. So just start it. How to become a poet?

How can you improve your writing and thoughts?
No one person can improve his writing or thought himself without anyone interfering. Because anyone who interferes can lead our thoughts towards a better way. So, don’t try to keep your content or writing to yourself. Rather it reflects among your friends, relatives and teachers who can appreciate your work and can comment on your thoughts which may be amended when it is needed. So try to improve your deep thoughts with the help of others who can direct your writing. Thus this way may be helpful for writing.

Your writing habit must be regular?
Here is one question which leads you towards success. Every successful way asks for regular efforts then such efforts will push you towards success. So, your poetry writing habit must be habitual on the way of becoming a poet. However, this habit must not be such which may arise hurdles in your daily life with corresponding other tasks.

Because your life may be disrupted by this habit. So, our analysis suggests that your thought must be in touch with your passion to become a poet. Whether you don’t do regular writing work. Thus, you are required to keep in mind your purposeful poetry writing passion.
How to become a poet?

Kept a separate diary on which you can write your thought in the writing form :
Every person who has a bundle of treasure in his/her mind must be written down in a separate register or diary. Which can be convenient to your writing work.
Note: however this your diary or register must be prepared by way of concealed form. Don’t tell any person about your precious mine. Which can be stolen or harmed by any other person who may become your hater.

Create your passion first of all.
No work can become successful until we pay our interest towards any work. However any aim who needs our attention must create a passion. Which will lead us towards success.

Every passion of our life is responsible for our success which must be created in life. Without which our life cannot become successful. So, the creation of passion pushes us towards our aim or target of life. Make a passion part of your life which runs corresponding with your life age.

Now our research would like to open your dream to become a poet. So don’t wait for anyone ‘s suggestion after reading this research article about your life poetry career.

Bring a and begin to fulfill your life dream to become a poet. But, keep in mind all these things which are written down in this article.

However anyone you need regarding poetry you can comments or contact us as per your requirements.How to become a poet?

You can share this poem among your frinds on Facebook, Whatapp and Twitter. If you considered the value of tree then you can share this poem. Anyone reader who is studying in graduate class he/she can visit on online study Material.

why is poetry important in education?

why is poetry important in education?

Everybody would like to enhance their knowledge. But his/her knowledge depends upon his learning habits. If he/she tries to take knowledge by continue then he/she will be able to go for mass knowledge.  As we know that every experiment responsible for learning something by their using.

By creating interest to writing stories and poetry will be helpful for learning language knowledge. There are following some point which can be considered to be learning language by writing poetry and stories about any subjects. why is poetry important in education?

1. GRAMMATICAL LEARNING:- Many learning opportunities would be arised during poetry and stories writing concerning with the grammatically portion of language. Grammatically improving habits must be apprehend by regularly. So our grammar mistakes, errors will be removed day by day with the practice of writing poetry and stories during on going learning life.

Read love poems

why is poetry important in education

2. VOCABULARY LEARNING:-  Every person learns from his habit of learning whether it’s grammatically learning or vocabulary learning.  So by writing poetry and stories our vocabulary will be enhanced on the path of learning. These vocabulary may have deepen meaning in their sense.  why is poetry important in education?

3. PHRASES:- Many phrases of words can be learned with the help of writing poetry and stories.  Because many poets have rich wealth of words of phrases which they get from their writing poetry habits. As we know almost all poetry collections contain phrases. Which phrases have unique meaning in their sense.

4. RHYME:- Rhyme is also a part of our learning. Which feels melody to our hearts. These Rhyme frequently floats in poetry writing. Which convenience feeling for our mind or hearts. So, writing poetry produced Rhyme which is also a part of learning. 

5. DEEPEN WORD MEANING WRITING SKILLS:- By writing poetry and stories our deepen word writing skills. Which will not be happen unless. THESE words will be improved our poetry and stories writing skills on learning way of language.

So, these are essential points which can consider by learning language knowledge on the way of writing poetry and stories. Which will be responsible to enhance our language knowledge from around about.

So, produce your opinion by writing poetry and stories which will corresponding enhance your language learning knowledge. If you’re students then you can visit on online study material. why is poetry important in education?

Please read and enjoy as well as share it further on the social link. Many thanks. 

How to become a poet writer

how to become a poet writer

What should I study to be a poet?
There must be a heart who feels love about nature and human beings represents a true poet?  Without feelings, never be a poet. So feelings arising love and sadness. 

There are so many poets.  Whether they are different in their language. As we know that they all expressed their thoughts in their local language. These thoughts were used to convert into different modes as stories, thoughts, poetry and quotes etc.  However some authors and poets have expressed their ideas and opinions in other languages. There are many languages such as English,  French, Italian, urdo, arbi, Spanish and Punjabi. All these represent the content of every heart. 

There are some important points which need to be kept in mind. 

1. INTERESTS:-       First of all interests must be created   into heart to do something or  become    an author and poet. Interests lead towards our                  destination whatever we think about         our life’s aim.  

What should I study to be a poet?

2. KNOW-HOW :- There must be little know-how about languages that would be realising thoughts in writing form. Without knowledge of language we can’t go ahead.  Basic language knowledge is sufficient to shake our bound of hearts thoughts. 

What should I study to be a great poet?

3. LITERATURE READING:-  Literature reading must be a part of life. Which enhances our knowledge towards Literature. Rather it would be helpful to enhance our thoughts. Which is responsible for deepening thinking. Whether reading should be from Facebook or any poetry website. 

4. FOUND OF WRITING:-  There must be writing towards our thoughts.  If we don’t write from our thoughts it remains a heap like dry leafs. So try to put it into writing form. Which takes some time to improve our deep thinking skills in our poetry path.

5. KNOWLEDGE AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER WRITERS:-  We should try to make relationships with other writers. Who may help us to improve our writing skills regarding our thoughts. These writers circle would be helpful to mould your thoughts.

You can share this poem among your frinds on Facebook, Whatapp and Twitter. If you considered the value of tree then you can share this poem. Anyone reader who is studying in graduate class he/she can visit on online study Material.