Justice of nature

            Justice of nature 

Winter comes , winter comes,

All living being got attention towards

The extreme winter, that obstacle for

Every work to managing to earning food.

Such living being as human, animals, birds,

Trees and herbs. Out of these human has many,

Alternative to avert such farthest winter, as

By uses quilts, blankets, wool clothes, shoes.

But poor plants, animals, birds apprehend

By the Tension of extremely winter yet, due to

No alternative avoiding such cold weather,

They all plunged in worrying that gets combat.

While they’re meditating, night had passed

Dawn break out, now all feeling to cold at

Such time, as just rays of sun fallen on them

Their eyes filled with delight, the gift of sun.

As seemed, their trouble has got far away ,

Because they conceived. The sun is only

Weapon of nature, whose rays give warmth

To them during the session of winter.

Therefore, judgement of nature would

Remain justice at anytime and anywhere

With all living being, what all is

Floating with the lap of nature.

poems about nature
Poems about nature
poems about nature
poems about nature

To know the justification of nature and love buy world is best nature digital book by reading which you will be able to know the worth of nature and love. so buy world’s best nature book just at $5.00.This poem describes about the justification of nature. What could be realized by reading this poem. So, read and enjoy it also and tell your enjoyment through your comments. 

Looking for black eyes way

 Looking for black eyes way

My 31 Dec night passed away

       With dark black night,

My eyes wait up another 

       Black eyes Indication,

My eyes set up on way of 

       New night, but blanked.

eyes keep on invigorated 

       At foggy darkest night. 

My eyes look on enigma night 

      Long way of black eyes.

My eyes asked the dark way

     But ignored by the mysterious.

famous love poems

My eyes feel out heart beat 

     Of the darkest night’s pace.

My eyes look for whole night

     The way of black eyes.

My eyes a proof of dark night 

      What is going on into the dawn.

My eyes recollect of previous 

      Endure 31.12.2019 first meet.

My eyes glad to recollection 

      2020 new year  phone chat.

My eyes still open while day 

       Came to duty, night faded.

My eyes would remain opened 

      Ever to come in black eyes.

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A Christmas day

christian poems
christian poems

The Christmas day

An auspicious day,
What’s recurring by turn,
Whose scatters memories,
Realised us devotion to Jesus.

Light spread all around,
Bundle of sins declined,
Mother earth easy to breath,
By the birth of supercilious soul.

Ignorant rooted out,
A true wisdom pass on,
On every way of human life,
Like a messenger of God on earth.

So, call down,
Ahead of auspicious soul,
For the welfare of generation,
To keep on peace on mother earth,

So, day teach us,
Many kindness blessing,
All being without discrimination,
Let’s us celebrate such auspicious day.
christian poems

Buy this interesting nature and love digital Book or printed book

This poem describes about the Jesus MASIH’s birthday as known as Christmas day what is celebrated across the world . Happy Christmas to you all.

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Helpless women

female poems
female poems

Helpless Women

Winter at the peak point,
There was a breeze air,
Twilight got fallen by turn,
There was a drizzling. 

        A mini bus carrying on, 
        Contain Some caravan,
        Toward their destination,
        Which has crowded too.

While the bus going away from 
City, ticket collector set
About tickets, he called for 
Tickets to every one. 

        During the ask for Ticket
        While he approached 
        To a poor lady who was 
       Call for tickets, nothing tune.

Produced by helpless lady,
At just collector furious upon 
Her, sometimes he pass over,
While carrying on to others.

           After wind up tickets ,
           He recited for ticket to
           Her, but remain same 
           Answer, nothing to pay.

At same wrathful answer,
Blow out whistle to stop bus,
Cry out for her drop down,
From bus, due to not paid.

          Whereas night got fallen
          But no one come forward
         To her help, whereas few
         Person rich there & could.

When poor she set down,
She tolerant aversion & snub,
Speak rather, murmuring 
But, By her differ language. 

      unable to walk due her
      pregnancy, clothes filthy  
      In reality, she need too help,
      As financial & physically.

Where she had bound 
To drop, There is no shop
& home, Rather boulevard, 
What lay down timorous.

 No didn’t help her, might due to 
 Her creed, but humanity don’t 
 Teach the discrimination 
 Based on cast & religion. 

10:30 pm    01/04/2020
female poems

 To know the justification of nature and injustice of love Buy this digital and print book on Amazon.

This poem describes about the poor wohman who was helpless and need help by way of financial as well as physical. But, all present passengers would not had helped her but some insulted her. What was too wrong and sympathy less as well as shameful.

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inspirational poems
inspirational poems


What is life?
Do you know?
Please anyone tell it,
Perhaps no one having answer.

   To answer I have to go about,
   Checked taste at different places, 
   No satisfying answer bring out,
   Mostly voice crop up, 

Many cry up 
However, I feel for answers,
And follow out,
No one explain away, 

Then get on my way,
And look over at the true answer,
By coincidence one saint at way of mine,
While I knock about door to door.

Who insisted on answer of life,
And launch out answer, 
What is life ? 
And look through answer, 

   Life broken into three share, 
   Past,  What like a “waste paper“
   Present, What like a “newspaper“
 Future, What like a “question paper“

So, read and write carefully,
Life will be like a tissue paper, 
And hunt down the question of life. 

inspirational poems
inspirational poems

To know the justification of nature and injustice of love Buy this interesting digital book just at $5.00.

This little poem describes about the life of human being which carries on through this circle. Show comments on it. Read and enjoy it.

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Freedom fade away

Freedom fade away

Mostly all people have corral,
While at the grief of carona c19,
In view of go down horror crisis,
Whether carry out govt mandatory,
Freedom fade away, fade away…

Curfews no allow of freedom, 
All being while at draw away, 
Due to locked up in homes, 
All actions cool down by manual,
Freedom fade away, fade away…

However, Freedom remained for
birds at world wide hazardous
Evil, whereas no little attention 
That hold on their joyful, but being 
Freedom fade away, fade away…..

Perhaps, peoples neglect that no 
Freedom at hands of their rather,
Set for God’s willingness that look into,
That whole favours of birds, but being 
Freedom fade away, fade away…..

Since, decision making of freedom, 
Describes by the book of nature,
Whose every page inscribed words 
Concerned freedom, but covetous being, 
Freedom fade away, fade away……
poems about freedom
poems about freedom

To know the justification of Nature and injustice of love Buy this interesting book just at $5.00. On Amazon

poems about freedom
poems about freedom

This poem describes about the freedom of human being while at Covid-19. Comments on it And share it further on your what’s app link te or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest or LinkedIn.

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Beach love

Beach Love

A couple in relish,
Who lover and beloved, 
Know the value of present life,
As no room for worried as if past and future.
Rather, rejoice present time by eating & drinking.

Only sun is a proof,
Under whose shade they sit,
Whether, summer shows it’s colour, 
But influence of none as though sea beach,
Some drinking going on with fast food by feel free, 

Moisture sand rubbing,
Under our thigh, legs and feet,
Alone one hands being used to drink,
Whereas, other hands let be used as handheld,
Some murmuring going on between them by constantly.

Ocean water also proof,
Who keeps himself to down,
Only gazed on them like a friend,
What no interfere carrying on them, 
Rather, awe on them by their exploring love.
beach poems
beach poems
beach poems

To know the justification of Nature and Injustice of love Buy this Digital Book just at $5.00.

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This poem describes about the love what is reflected itself on the sand of beach. So, Read and enjoy it also then comments on it And share it further on your what’s app link or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.