

Sparrows poem
sparrows poem

Baffled Sparrow

A torrid day,

A sparrow deviant from her herd,

Too long away her nest,

Waves of hotter baffled all,

A poor sparrow lost her conscious,

Unable to flying up into sky,

Sweat drops falling on,

Day passing by hardly,

No little attention came to her,

While she ponder to her home approach,

A black clouds came with storm wind,

Which carry on faster on road of sky,

A poor sparrow attempted to diver into storm,

As just by divered, begun to push her by wind,

On the sky road she travelling without ticket,

Within few minutes a poor sparrow approach her nest,

She pay thanks a lot for storm’s services without consideration.

12:40pm 01/06/2020

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Haiku poems about nature in English 007 best poem

Haiku poems about nature in English

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      Puzzle of weaver bird in duckweed

There was too hot summer,
Whether the time of twilight,
Poet wandering while the time,
On the bank of dry canal
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    And watched full of duckweed,
    That much thickly and heightens,
   Rather,  it realized hottest all around,
   The environment of such herbs.
Haiku poems about nature in English |
A poor weaver bird had puzzle,
Not little conscious at just while,
As unfixed his moving position,
up & down, one branch to another.
Haiku poems about nature in English
   Poet also unable to considered,
   It’s puzzle, seemed as no answer,
  Anyhow, by deep watching & hunt out,
  A puzzle likely due to scorching day.
8:32pm     22/06/2017 About nature poem
About nature poem
About nature poem

About nature poem | About nature poem

This little poem describes about the weaver bird’s position and moving what is influenced by the hot scorching day on the bank of dry canal in duckweed. About nature poem

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