How to success in poetry?

how to write poems about love

how to write poems about love

Before the written love poem first we must know the meaning of love. Love is that seed which rises on the court of heart. Although its sow sprinkle is given by the eyes.

Thus, after the growth of this sow, waves of love feelings started to rise. Then such feelings are difficult to stop. And divulge before the people without control. Such feelings get the emotions of others. Which emotions and feelings may be formed into the poetry. There are five methods through which we can try to write poetry. Thus, how to write poems about love.

  1. By reading love poetry
  2. By falls in love
  3. By listening to others love.
  4. By seeing movie
  5. By attending literature seminar

1.By reading love poetry:- Anyone who would like to write love poetry. Then he/she is required to read love poetry. By reading love poetry feelings and emotions of love will be created in his mind. Then such emotions and feelings may be formed into the written form. Then all readers of love poetry can learn how to write poems about love. Love thoughts and quotes will also be helpful in the way of love poetry work. These thoughts and quotes are available on social media. Which can be understood for the purpose of creating love emotions and feelings. Then which can be used in the form of love poetry.

2. By falling in love:- Most poets write love poetry through his real feelings and emotions. Which are happening in their real life. When they fall in love, sometimes they are unable to express their true love before his/her lover and beloved. They try to write their feelings and emotions in the form of written. When they begin to write their feelings about love in a normal way. Gradually after some time their written work in the form of love literature became the form of poetry. So they became poets who fell in love to express themselves in the written form known as poetry.

3. By listening to others’ love:- When we listen to the love story from other lovers we can also represent this story in the written form. Whether or not it debuted would not be good. But after getting some experience with written work we can write better. Which work may be expressed in the form of poetry. As after listening to a love story our mind will be set automatically towards love emotions. Which feelings might become the poetry through the written work. So this method will be helpful when we listen to the stories of others in the form of love.

4. By seeing Movies:- After seeing a love movie our brain fills with such potential love feelings. What we saw in the movie. After considering the whole story we can understand the concept of a love movie. Which concept can be used in the form of written work? Which can be formed into the poetry form. So movies also influence our mind. Which can’t be free immediately after the movie.

However, it will take three, four days to forget this whole concept of love. Such concepts can be used in the form of poetry. Which is a simple method of written work. Because our mind doesn’t need to think deeply. Just ready-made concepts can be written in the form of poetry.  how to write poems about love

5. By attending love seminars and play:- People who attend the seminar and play which divulge love literature, these can be also helpful in the way of written work. Which work can be made with poetry literature. This method provides us with a ready-made concept of love. Which concept can be used in the form of poetry? So anyone who would like to write about love. They can attend the seminar on love. Which provides a broad sense of mind. Which is an easy method of love literature. how to write poems about love

There are some other points which need to be considered along the way, such as how to write poems about love.

  1. After creating a poem you can share these poems to your friends for the purpose of feedback. Because every written work requires feedback.
  2. After the written poem you are required to review and edit your poetry. Which can be made by yourself or by an experienced poet.
  3. You need to learn more deep vocabulary. Which can be used in the way of poetry work. Every poem asks for appropriate vocabulary.
  4. Continue :- You are required to continue your written work of poetry. Which provides you quality to your poetry work.
  5. Love cordial relations are required if you’re a poet. Which will be positive in the way of your success.

Thus, by applying these methods you can write love poems. Now we hope you have understood how to write poems about love. Give your suggestion to others poets by your comments for others readers.

You can read more love poetry. As per you’re choice. how to write poems about love

If you’re commerce students you can following this website. how to write poems about love

How to traditionally publish a book.

How to traditionally publish a book

How to traditionally publish a book

Every writer has deep thoughts which can be seen in their books, magazines, books and newspapers. Which has influenced the mind of the reader. All writers would like to express their thoughts to the reader. Some thoughts are such which mould the life of peoples. So, every writer has dreams to publish his/her thoughts, opinions, ideas and imagination. However, all writers have a motive behind this to earn money as well as prestige. Thus no one would like to keep his opinion in his mind.

 Rather he would like to express it in the form of a book with printing. They need to find a well established press that can convey their idea in the form of a book to the general public. But it can only be possible with the help of a publisher. In modern times all writers would like to earn fame and name. What is possible with the help of publishing their book with the traditional publisher. 
How to traditionally publish a book.

There are mainly two types of publishers who publish books. As Traditional publishers and self-publishing publishers across the world. But, everyone would like to publish his/her content without cost. But how is it possible ? With the help of Traditional publishers who can publish our content without cost and any other expenses.

But it’s too hard to find the best Traditional publisher who has an approach across the world level. These types of publishers have different genres in which they publish writers’ content across the world. So, by deep efforts such an international publisher’s collection has been found on the website of

After visiting this website you can learn how to traditionally publish a book. There are complete processes regarding manuscript, and different methods to write a writer bio etc was given. You must visit this website if you would like to publish your book. 

After visiting this site you will be able to find the target traditional publisher on which you can find appropriate publishers as per your content need. Some are the biggest traditional publishers that are respectable across the world. So everyone would like to publish with them. These contain marketing of books and printing and publisher cost of books. 

So traditional publishers sell more copies of books as compared to self-published companies. Thus, everyone would like to publish with them. Because their royalty rate is less than self published companies but they sell more books. As a result , writers get more profit as compared to self-publish companies. Traditional publishers are renowned companies. They have captured more of the market than self-publishing. 

There are some traditional publishers with whom books can be published for free of cost.

1.Penguin Random House
2. Jaico Publishing House
3. HarperCollins Publishers
4. Hachette Book Publishers
5. Pearson 
6. Rupa Publication
7. Bloomsbury India
8. Aleph book company

However, as per your need of genre you can send your manuscript to a traditional publisher. And you can publish your book. Thus, a traditional publisher is a dream in itself for all writers across the world. We just need to understand first what’s our genre. After knowing the genre we can find that publisher which can publish our material in the form of a book.

All traditional publishers do not have the same process of submission to manuscript. All these traditional publishers have different criteria for submission of manuscripts. First we have to analyse their terms and conditions then we can send them our manuscript. As well as we can learn How to traditionally publish a book. Then we can get success by publishing books. 
Read More famous poems

Note:- You can share this poem among your frinds on Facebook, Whatapp and Twitter. If you considered the value of tree then you can share this poem. Anyone reader who is studying in graduate class he/she can visit on online study Material.

Where to send my entry for Hindi poetry competition?

Where to send my entry for Hindi poetry competition?

Where to send my entry for hindi poetry competitions?
There are many hindi poetry competitions across the India level. Where any hindu poet can approach and send his/her entry for competitions. If, any one hindi poet is interested to submit his/her poem. This following list will be helpful for his poetry submission. 
1. Delhi slam poetry competitions 
2. Sahit academy of India 
3. Sahit amrit weekly
4. Poorvabash weekly
5. Geet Pahal 
6. Bharat Darshan magazine 
7. Likhna sikhye competitions
If you belong to India and you’re a poet in Hindi Language you can become a published hindi poet in India. Out of these some magazine pay you for publishe. Thus, you can send your poems to above publishe press whether through their contest and generally submission.
Read famous love poems

You can share this poem among your frinds on Facebook, Whatapp and Twitter. If you considered the value of tree then you can share this poem. Anyone reader who is studying in graduate class he/she can visit on online study Material.

Does poetry represent real life?

Does poetry represent real life?

Does poetry represent real life?

Every person would like to represent his feelings and opinions. Whether it may be in the form of writing or oral. But every feelings and opinions have some influence power. So, such writing form may be in story or poetry.

However, mostly poet would represent their own life experiences Whether these experiences or opinions may be concerned with the past, present and future.

Does poetry represent real life?
So, such feelings contained thought that represent happiness, sorrow, fear, peace and mercy. Thus, all these thoughts may be concerned with real life as well as imagination of the author.

However, mostly poet represent their feelings whether it may be in the form of love poetry, sorrow poetry and quotes of life. There are some important things which we need to recognize about the poet’s representation in the poetry. These are following. 

Does poetry represent real life?

Does poetry represent real life?
1. All poet are nature lover. Who represent nature content. 
2. All poet has true love  towards their beloved. 
3. Mostly poet has one side lover. However they pursue her beloved. 
4. All poet are an owner of kindness towards all kinds of living beings. 
5. Poet mostly represent their experience content in writing poetry. 
6. All poet is found of reading love books and poetry. 
7. Poet always engaged with their deep thoughts.

Does poetry represent real life?
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To enjoy love touching poems follow this website for the purpose of recent publish poems.

Read More Poems As per your Interest

Does poetry represent real life?

How to use best poetic words in poetry?

How to use best poetic words in poetry ?

There are many poet across the world who express their thoughts in different words in their local language. However, some poet use different languages other than their mother toung.

Poet who is used to their toung language they are capable to use deep words in their writing poetry. Because they are habitual of deeply words as idioms, phrases and vocabulary words.

However, who are used other language in their writing poetry. They are not convenience in using deep poetry words in their writing poetry.

How to use best poetic words in poetry ?
They have to hard work in their language in which they write. 
However, there are following some points which needs to be kept in mind to use poetic words in writing poetry.

How to use poetic words in poetry ?

1. READ POETRY LITERATURE:- so, every poet need to read poetry literature. Which work would be helpful in writing poetry.

2. WRITING HABIT:- Every poetry needs to attain specialised education by note down words that can be used as unique contexts in poetry. Such habits should be a part of writing poetry by continuously.

3. INTEREST TO LEARNING NEW WORDS:- Every poet should be efforts to add new vocabulary words in their treasure of words in their brain.

4. DEEP THINKING:-Every poet must be engaged with deep thinking skills which can be employed in the field of writing poetry work.

5. CONCERN WITH OTHER WRITERS AND POET:- Every poet must be create habit To be friendly with others poet. Who may be helpful in their writing poetry.

So, Each and every poet with the help of these points can enhance his/her poetic words towards their career development goals in writing poetry.
How to use best poetic words in poetry ?

Please share this information with your friends and colleagues who have interest to writing love poetry and nature realizing poems.

You can comments and share this article to your Friends who are interested to writing and poetry. Anyone who is floating in graduate class can visit on online study Material.

How can influence poems for society?

How can influence poems for society?

Literature is always a complete part of society. Whether it is different from the language point of view.  However it is contained many feelings, custom, culture and religious beliefs. Without which our society is incomplete. 

So, many opinions are concealed in poetry writing Literature. Whether many poems have short written but their meaning and influence is to biggest which extract only needs to dig out from words.

Every language gave birth many poet on mother earth. Who express their thoughts, feelings and ideas by poetry writing. Since by such feelings contained in these poetry that able to influence the audience reader.

As we see that wordsworth Williams poetry has much influence toward the society. Because this is a source of inspiration for nature and love realizing poems. 

Every soul is influenced by such poetry words which shakes his heart internally. There are some following points which are disclosed for poetry literature. 

How can influence poems for society?

1 . Every poem contains many concealing  facts which influence the society.

2.  Every poem express mystery on the    minds of society.

3.  Titles of poem bound to heart to know  whole poem.

4.   Every poem push us towards the extract meaning to our souls.

5.   Every poem is a mirror of whole story which may be concerned with present, future and past.

6. Most poems contain rhythm which making reading enjoyable influence on the mind of reader.

7.  Poems have contained sorrow, peace, joy, happiness and religion which has always influence.

8.  Poems have contributed towards nature and love literature.

9.  Most poems have short written which takes too short time.

10. Poems have Every words has its own influence on the mind of reader.
How can influence poems for society?

Read and enjoy Love and nature realizing poems on this website.

Please share it further on your what’s app link And Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,  LinkedIn accounts. Follow this website aslo to Reading new poems on this website. How can influence poems for society?

Please share it further on your what’s app link And Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,  LinkedIn accounts. Follow this website aslo to Reading new poems on this website. How can influence poems for society?

How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone?

How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone?

This method is simple to reach with everyone.  You just need to start or take up a first step.  Because Google has alone Power to be floated across the world .  Which visit at doorstep daily basis.

Everyone would like to reach or approach to individuals with his skills feature. But it’s impossible without the using service of Google. That will be helpful to us for the purpose of disclosing our skills before the mass level audience across the planet. 
So, there are two way by which we can available my poetry on Google for everyone. How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone ?

1. BY STARTING BLOGGING:-  With the help of Starting blogging we can approach with mass level audience. Blogging is such a arena in which our skill met to everyone audience across the Google. There is no cost rather it’s free service of Google.

I just need to create blog on Google. After then creating blog I need to write some poetry in such created blog.  Which poetry will be available for everyone across the world .

2. BY FREE WEBSITES WHO PUBLISHING POETRY ON GOOGLE :- Which poetry website who publish free poetry on their website for their subscribers. These also is most helpful to poet for reaching everyone on Google.

Because these websites may big and their experts will be maintained your poetry for the purpose of surviving your poetry work before the public.  So, I use also these websites like poetryfoundation, hello poetry, etc.

How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone?
3. BY USING BIGGEST MAGAZINE WEBSITE:- I need to approach with bigger magazines for the purpose of reaching everyone. 

I have to submit my poetry for the purpose of publishing on their website and through which my work would approach at every doorstep.
They also are floating on Google search engine. How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone?

How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone?

4. BY PARTICULAR WEBSITES:- These websites are operating across the world level. Their recognition provides them more goodwill across the planet.  If, I start post my poetry work on these websites so, much my work will be traveling Fastest across the Google roads for everyone. 

These websites are following as Pininterest , Medium and hub pages. These are biggest websites who reach out with everyone doorstep with my poetry available work with these websites.

How to make my poetry available on Google for everyone?

Since I need to take initiate toward my poetry available goals on Google for everyone. You can also begin with this idea to exploring your poetry work before everyone across the planet.

You can share this article to your friends if they are writer and poet. However, if you are the students then you can visit on the online study material