No Howl by drunkard sons
It was the time of morning, Dismay was diffused whether, However, No one seems in appall, Though, death came to woman. Rather, her three sons who, By hapless all drunkard of wine and, Busy at looking for wine at Morning, Due to their addiction. Her dead body was put on cot, No one seeing revolve the cot , Whose wept voice could hear, None anxious her sons on death. Read More Loves poems A little news spread at peak day, Due to the efforts of neighbours, Her born relative also got news, While over had half day passed. All they push off their sister land, As her brothers and her daughters, Including other relative by worried, Who all seemed vex at approaching. There is no situation of howl & wail, Rather, howl and wail sat about, By visitors for immediate step in, Help out from core of heart at dismay. Nonsense carrying on by her sons, With shrill, under influence of wine, Since, all process of cremation was Given out by her born relative. funeral poems However, every one reflect sorrow, On the death of their mother, As well due to poor situation of home, Some morale the sons by financial help. 9:10pm 29/06/2016 PG 08 |

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