children poem

Let’s Go to the Beach


Let’s go to the beach,

To swim and play and fun,

Building castles in the sand,

Is ever so much fun.

children poem

We will fix a picnic lunch,

And eat it when we like,

And when we all are as fast as a horse,

We will take a nature hike.

Be sure to wear your suit,

And bring along your float,

We will ride so far out in the surf,

Pretending it’s a boat.

We will find some shells as pretty as flowers,

And through the gulls some bread,

Put on a lot of suntan oil,

So that we don’t turn red.

We will never want to leave,

Such fun this all has been,

But we will come back another day,

And do it all again!

children poem

Hike ; Walk  |   Float:  a light object that floats in the water and helps a person swim

Surf: White foam on large waves | Pretending : imaging 

Gulls: Sea birds   |  Suntan Oil: Oil that protects the skin from strong sunlight 

This poem has some questions which are as per the question requirements. 

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