Jewel of courtyard
Jewel Of Courtyard
Courtyard remain arrayed By arid leaves, visitant despising it by Always, Who call at and call out as Garbage, Aside from owner of courtyard Entertains, Who care for this rubbish from The heart, Never bring down his interest Against trees, That answer for trash leaves Stability, Rather ready for cleanup by Carry on, No tension inclined to cleaning Taunts. Perhaps sightseer don’t have meant For trees services, Whereas owners interpret the service of trees as Without consideration, Like on busy with the gifts of nature As trees. Sometimes hustle and bustle feel free on this ground. Rather no other thing found on this Courtyard. Except dried yellow leaves friction Tone. Seemed as arrayed of the courtyard Like the jewellery. 4:50pm 07/04/2020 |

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