Freedom poems

Freedom fade away

Freedom fade away

Mostly all people have corral,
While at the grief of carona c19,
In view of go down horror crisis,
Whether carry out govt mandatory,
Freedom fade away, fade away…

Curfews no allow of freedom, 
All being while at draw away, 
Due to locked up in homes, 
All actions cool down by manual,
Freedom fade away, fade away…

However, Freedom remained for
birds at world wide hazardous
Evil, whereas no little attention 
That hold on their joyful, but being 
Freedom fade away, fade away…..

Perhaps, peoples neglect that no 
Freedom at hands of their rather,
Set for God’s willingness that look into,
That whole favours of birds, but being 
Freedom fade away, fade away…..

Since, decision making of freedom, 
Describes by the book of nature,
Whose every page inscribed words 
Concerned freedom, but covetous being, 
Freedom fade away, fade away……
poems about freedom
poems about freedom

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poems about freedom
poems about freedom

This poem describes about the freedom of human being while at Covid-19. Comments on it And share it further on your what’s app link te or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest or LinkedIn.

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