Trip poetry

Trail of tears poems Best 01

This poem describes about a trip of monuments concerned with historical. As trail of tears poems.

Trail of tears poems

A trip to monuments

A caravan excitedly goes to a memorial,

 How much they wanted to be entertained?

 Mostly sunny was passing over head,

 All group seemingly to be suck on fresh taste,

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A gallery that we was now penetrated for the first time, it seems to be a dark caves like a black-eyes,

whose dark reflects in many ways informative.

Not a single corner left here who don’t do. Here opposite us Walls & statue gave a view of whole patriotism,

Many blood feuds are displaying of country,

Still, the sight began to seem frightening and the heart began to tremble.

As soon as we came to know about the martyrdom of our country, how did we get freedom?

The lovers of the country who had such a scene in their mind started to shed their tears,

Such a scene immediately took away the fun of our mind and was heart-wrenching.

As soon as we came out, our teacher instilled in us the love of patriotism,

Throughout our convictions became more firm towards our country,

As enthusiastically as they left, they came back filled with grief that had rendered them helpless, remembering only their freedom heroes and nothing else.

10.19 PM 17/08/2022

Trail of tears poems

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