Singapore Poetry Famous Poetry

Disruption of sun

            Disruption of sun

As just dawn break with black Clouds, 
What begun to floating in arena of sky,
Alone black shade scatter on earth, 
 No as drizzling as well as drops falling, 
All birds and love & beloved relish, 
But a one side lover drowned into his love. 
Whereas, other couples rejoice such scene,
However, exhausted lover adhesive beloved memory,
But, No his beloved beside him,
Anyhow, he seemed her beside him,
Day being passed under shade of black clouds,
As turn of evening to come with sun rays,
Justly disrupted into his beloved memory,
  All series of memory broken with intense ray,
Thus, No took rejoice whole day by one side lover, 
No considerate on his one side love by nature. 
Not long let allow him enjoy by sun.

5:20pm   31/05/2020
sun poems

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