Indonesian Poetry

Night of Squirrel’s Family

  Night of squirrel’s family

A poor squirrel goes to daily for earning food,

It goes to various village for searching food,

One day gone away from his nest,

Night has captured him at midway,

It’s family in awaiting for his visit,

As his wife and children in worry,

It think about shelter at any place,

Where night pass by it,

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After many exertions little sheesham,

Offer him for shelter to stay,

Other side his children in

Worried, due to non visit,

Night being passed gradually,

All in worry, whether at various places,

His family call down for his security ,

As dawn break, squirrel wake up,

As aroused ray of sunshine,

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Pay thanks to sheesham for shelter,

Get off his journey again,

After some hour it come up to,

It’s nest, As his family eyes

Fallen on him, they delighted

By his come over whether they are

Starved, however hunger of them,

Satisfied with meeting him alive,

Because, their negativity far away

By lay before his perfection visit,

They all hug with collectively by relish,

Rather, lay down his vow as lie for no go far,

Thusly, it describes about sense of love,  

Among family of animals and birds
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Nature Poems